Posts Tagged ‘Cuba’

Winnipeg, March 24, 2024: Members of the Manitoba-Cuba Solidarity Committee rallied to show support for the Cuban people in their six-decade struggle to end the United States economic blockade of their country. Following is the text of a statement the Committee distributed at the rally.


Statement of Manitoba-Cuba Solidarity Committee for the Rally Against the Blockade, March 24, 2024

Protests in Santiago de Cuba last Sunday – people worried about the serious shortages of food, electricity and other basic necessities – have been used by the U.S. and enemies of Cuba to stir up calls once again for regime change in Cuba. The international media has called them ‘anti-government’ protests. A U.S. Department of State official posted “The United States stands with the Cuban people as they exercise their rights to assemble peacefully. The Cuban government will not be able to meet the needs of its people until it embraces democracy and the rule of law and respects the rights of Cuban citizens.”

This statement is a blatant threat and the height of hypocrisy! It is the U. S. blockade of Cuba, now in its 62nd year, and Trump’s addition of Cuba to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism in 2021, one week before his term as President ended, that have caused and exacerbated the economic crisis in Cuba which has led to the serious shortages of necessities around the country.

An infamous U.S. declassified 1960 document (one year after the victory of the Cuban Revolution) written by Lester Mallory, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs concludes that “the only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship.” It adds . . . “every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba”. The ‘every possible means’ over the years have included bombings, military interventions, sabotage, assassination attempts in addition to the provisions of the Blockade. The financial damage to the Cuban economy has added up to more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars. Had Cuba not been subjected to the Blockade for 62 years, its ability to develop the economy and meet ALL the needs of the Cuban people would have led the way in the world to showing what a socialist economy could accomplish.

In spite of all the efforts, the Cuban people are strong and determined. They will survive this latest attempt as they have overcome all the attempts from the U.S. over the past decades to bring Cuba back into its fold, to become once again a playground for the rich, a colony with materials and labour to exploit.

Cuba will defend socialism and its right to independence, sovereignty and self-determination.

Cuba has so many friends all around the world! The solidarity movement in Canada and in the heartland of imperialism is strong and will not falter. It is our role to continue supporting Cuba in its defense of humanity, on its path to determining its own society and future.

President Biden, you have just over 7 months left in this term. Do something positive and . . .


Winnipeg, Oct. 3, 2019 – Arnold August, speaking at the University of Manitoba about US and Canadian foreign policy regarding Cuba and Venezuela. Photo: Paul S. Graham

There is no doubt that Canadian foreign policy has taken a hard turn to the right, especially with regard to Latin America. Arnold August provides the context and details the US led attacks on Cuba and Venezuela that Canada has been supporting so vigorously.

August is a Montreal-based Canadian journalist and lecturer, the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections, Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion and Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

He was a member of the Canadian Delegation invited to the Sao Paulo Forum in Caracas last July. His articles are published regularly on many web sites in Latin America, Cuba, Europe, North America and the Middle East. He collaborates with television and radio broadcasts based in Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Canada and U.S. He is a member of the Québec Chapter of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defence of Humanity.

He gives conferences in Cuba, Canada, the UK and until recently the U.S., from which he was barred on March 16, 2019 for his political views and specifically his support for the Bolivarian Revolution.

Arnold August’s visit to Winnipeg was hosted by the Winnipeg Venezuela Peace Committee.